Every country has its very own different eating traditions and habits. In Poland, foreigners appreciate our fresh and ecologic products and the wide variety of soups and salads. Our cuisine is like nothing you’ve tried before.
śniadanie - breakfast /shnyah-dah-nyeh/
obiad - lunch /abw-yeht/
kolacja - dinner /kaw-lahts-yah/
chleb - bread /khlep/
ziemniaki, kartofle - potatoes /kahr-tuff-leh/
kotlet - fillet /kawt-let/.
We have so many kids of it! Kotlet schabowy is made of a thin slice of pork meat battered with egg and breadcrumbs and then fried. Kotlet mielony is our version of meatballs. Of course you will also find croquettes, fish fillets and steaks.
gulasz - goulash
No, it has almost nothing common with the Hungarian version. It’s more like a thick beef stew with peppers, mushrooms, paprikas, onions.
zupa - soup /zoo-pah/
Even if before coming here you were not a big fan of soups, Poland can change your mind. You can choose between traditional soups and sweet or cold soups. Bet you have no idea :-)
gołąbki - cabbage rolls /gaw-wump-kee/
‘Little pigeous’, as we call it, are stuffed cabbage rolls made of rice, meat and tomate souce.
Polish version of hunter's stew containing sauerkrauts, sausages, bacon and many more different types of cooked meat.
flaki /flah-kee/
Is a tripe soup made of cleaned beef stripes that can be literally translated as ‘guts’.
jajecznica - scrambled eggs /yah-yech-nee-tsah/
Don’t forget to try hard-boiled eggs!
makowiec /mak-kawv-yets/
A roll cake made of poppy seeds, nuts and raisins.
naleśniki - crepes /nah-lesh-nee-kee/
pączki - doughnuts /paunch-kee/
pierogi - dumplings /pyeh-raw-ghee/
ciasto - cake /chahs-taw/
sernik - cheesecake /sare-neek/
It has nothing to do with the cheese that you put on pizza. We have our own cream cheese that we use in our kitchens.

In Poland we have a few main ingridients and it will be very hard for you to find our national dish without it. We are famous for foods containing potatoes, pork and the best salads in the world. What can we say? We display creativity on our plates :-)
Have you heard about regional dishes typical only in some parts of Poland? For example Podlasie Region is a home to small communities of muslim Tatars, Orthodoxs, Belarusians, Ukrainians and many more, so you can eat very specyfic food that you will never try anywhere else. Ask for ‘kołduny’, ‘cymes’, ‘czulent’ or ‘cepelinai’ and let us surprise you!
- Don’t get confused with the way we name our dishes. ‘Greek salad’, ‘Greek fish’, ‘Hungarian pie’, ‘Turkish coffee’, ‘Japanease herring’, ‘Russian pierogi’ are not served in those cuntries. We have also a Polish version of gulash and Wiener Schnitzel.