Erasmus Student Network Polska is part of one of the largest student associations in Europe, dedicated to supporting and developing student exchanges. ESN operates in over 500 higher education institutions across 45 countries, and this network continues to grow and expand. Our mission is to enrich society through international students. In Poland, we are divided into 28 local sections, present in most major cities.

The values of the Erasmus Student Network, embraced by all its members, are

  • unity in diversity, diversity in the unity (we all have different backgrounds, but share one common aim and goal), 

  • students helping students (we passionately commit ourselves to volunteering for the benefits of others), 

  • fun in friendship and respect (we enjoy relations based on respect), 

  • international dimension of the life (we are open-minded, mobile, like to discover and explore, to co-operate and to interact to break borders), 

  • love for Europe as an area of peace and cultural exchange (we live and benefit from the cultural richness of Europe to the utmost), 

  • openness with tolerance (we understand and accept others and learn from them), 

  • cooperation in the integration (we share an holistic view towards internationality).


“By 2025, ESN will be the global network of the Erasmus Generation, committed to improving international education and providing self-development opportunities to two million young people, fostering intercultural understanding and creating positive change in society.”



ESN Polska is a member of the Eurodesk Network

Eurodesk is an international network and an EU programme for young people, youth workers, and youth organisations. As part of Eurodesk’s activities, we answer enquiries, organise Eurolessons, and provide information about training, study, and volunteering opportunities abroad. Eurodesk is a vast source of verified and reliable information for anyone considering gaining experience both internationally and locally.

We help young people explore the European Union and its opportunities, find project partners, and learn how to apply for internships, volunteering placements, or scholarships.

We also run Eurolessons in schools—interactive sessions designed to introduce young Europeans to the opportunities available to them, encourage active civic engagement, and explain how to take advantage of EU programmes. These sessions are primarily aimed at secondary school students and the final years of primary school.

If you would like a Euroclass to be held at your school, feel free to contact us at!