The weather in Poland is whimsical. Because of that we use to get sick quite often. ESN Poland has a pleasure to help you with a visit in a doctor’s office.
lekarz - doctor
leki - medicines
recepta - prescription
pielęgniarka - nurse
chory - ill
Jestem chory - I’m ill
grypa - flu
Mam grypę - I caught a flu
ból głowy - headache
ból brzucha - stomachache
aspiryna - aspirin
przeziębienie - cold
Jestem przeziębiony - I have a cold
leczyć - to treat
zagraniczni pacjenci - overseas patients
podawać leki - to administer drugs
zastrzyk - injection
oddział - ward
kolejka w poczekalni - queue in the waiting room
badanie kontrolne - check-up
skierować - to refer
lekarz rodzinny - GP (general practitioner)
ostry dyżur - Accident and Emergency
słaby - weak
bolesny, obolały - sore
środek przeciwbólowy - painkiller
opatrunek - dressing
zdjąć - to take off
swędzący, gryzący - itchy
-> You have to know that you can buy some painkillers without any prescription but please, always read the leaflet.
-> Do not neglect your health! If you feel some pain, weakness or you have a cough - go to a doctor.
-> If you have some questions, please contact with your Buddy or Mentor or your local section. They will help you.