On the last weekend of June, representatives of ESN UŁ: Beata, Marta, Milena, Bartek & Matt visited Czech department of ESN in Ceske Budejovice, ESN Buddy VSTE. The aim of our trip was to start long-term cooperation, of which effects will be visible in the next semester.
As a start to conference, we visited local brewery, famous Budweiser, where the students learnt how beer is made. In the evening, the students continued to integrate along with trying Czech cuisine.
Following day, sessions had their place. Meeting with ESN Buddy VSTE was held during statutory congress of ESN Czech called “small NP”, organised by section from Ceskie Budejovice. ESN UŁ presented their achievements, plans and ideas of events for Erasmus students.
During the presentation, Milena and Matt has started a new activity called “ESN PostcardChain” - it's about sending hand-made postcards between sections.
ESN PL, which had their plenaries too, sent wishes to our partners.
On the last day, ESN UŁ and ESN Buddy VSTE made main decisions about cooperation: common events, promotion and sharing knowledge. It was the first one from many planned meetings, the next meeting is planned in Łódź in Autumn. Members of sections have a lot of ideas for events and meetings. It's going to be beneficial for both: sections and Erasmus students.