Polish citizens and volunteers who provide assistance to refugees have to face a lot of questions, which sometimes they can’t answer. These questions concern access to medical treatment, social assistance, and legal issues. We have gathered information that will clear up some common issues, as well as links to useful websites.


The newest and most important thing to know: the law, adopted by the Polish government, that considers the situation of Ukrainian refugees, guarantees the legality of their stay in Poland for a period of 18 months. Ukrainians who crossed the Polish border after the Russian invasion on the 24th of February 2022, will also be able to apply for  PESEL. This unique 11-digit  number identifies a person and gives them access to many services. It also allows seeking legal work, doing business and providing medical help.


A person forced to leave the territory of Ukraine because of the war doesn’t have to register at a reception point and worry about the formalities or the legality of their stay. In the coming days, refugees don’t need to submit any additional applications except PESEL. Moreover, Ukrainian citizens who are currently in Poland and have expired residence documents, don't have to leave the country. 


People who came to Poland and don’t have ensured accommodation can go to the reception point for refugees, where they will receive all information about their stay in Poland, food, basic medical care,

and a temporary place of stay. Most of the reception points are located at train stations. 


More information on this can be found on the website: https://www.gov.pl/web/ua


Down below you can find links to the rest of the useful websites. 


Official website of the Polish government connects people from Ukraine who need help with those who can offer it: https://pomagamukrainie.gov.pl/ 


Special website for refugees from Ukraine gathering all the necessary information: https://uahelp.info/pl/


Humanitarian aid for Ukraine:



https://pomagam.pl/solidarnizukraina —  an NGO run by Ukrainians living in Warsaw

https://pck.pl/na-pomoc-ukrainie/ — Polish Red Cross has collection points across Poland. They collect food with a long shelf life, hygiene items, medical dressings, new blankets and sleeping bags.

https://www.uber.com/en-PL/blog/pomoc-dla-ukrainy/ — Uber offers free rides for those who want to go to the Polish Red Cross collection points with a special code. 


In addition, a special group "Pomoc dla Ukrainy" was created on Facebook, where people who want to provide support to refugees from Ukraine can apply. The support can be in the form of transport, food, clothing, hygiene products and many other most necessary things.


As Erasmus Student Network, we express our deepest solidarity with the Ukrainian people and our total condemnation of this unjustified military aggression, which constitutes a violation of the peace by the Russian government towards Ukraine. We stand with our Ukrainian friends in these extremely difficult times and call on European and world leaders, and the EU institutions to support the Ukrainian people in every possible way.