During the weekend 19/04/2018 22/04/2018, some members of the ESN Poland association from all over the country gathered at the training session: ESN Upgrade Rzeszów 2018. Such conventions are organized twice a year, where older members share knowledge with others. Each time they are maintained in a specific theme along with specific development paths for participants. And this time OC did not let us down and prepared a "Back to school" convention.
Participants were divided into groups ‘named as’ school class numbers defining their development paths. 1A class focused on new people in local sections, where you could learn more about the structure of ESN Poland, learn how to organize events, or the basics of communication and budgeting.
In class 3B with an economic profile, the participants explored the secrets of financing and accounting for section projects. Our older colleagues also gave a handful of information about section grants so that we could do even more!
People interested in the public relations and the use of new technologies to promote them were placed in the 4C class, a class of a communication. Their workshops concerned visual identification, advertising and website administration.
Members aspiring to be great leaders went to managerial class 6A. They got to know what does it mean to be a good leader and what qualities he should have. Now they are already able to cope with the crisis and manage their teams!
Despite tight schedule, the classes found a little time to integrate together and share inside stories from their sections. On Friday (20/04/2018) they experienced various adventures while playing board games, and for the next day they played bowling.
ESN Upgrade is the perfect opportunity to get wind in sails and motivate members of the section. Obtained knowledge will certainly help in the implementation of further local projects, and perhaps national ones too!
/Filip Słowiński