Life of trainer is not really easy but it is interesting! It requires constant knowledge complementation and ability to pass it on. Each training group has it own rules and participants are often varied in terms of experience and expectations. When you stand in front of a new group and you are about to present the topic you are familiar with - you are not necessarily stressed. It may be more difficult to pass on the knowledge that will allow them to develop as trainers - after all, you show them the backstage of your work and pay attention to a different perspective. You want them to understand how to effectively teach people and how to use your clues in practice. Training the trainers is a particlar challenge - both for the trainers and for the participants.
 On 29-31.03.2019 in Warsaw took place the first event for ESN Poland’ trainers - Training Knowledge Transfer. The convention was aimed at good practices exchange between participants and systematization of basic knowledge about workshops. We concentrated on topics that involved: trainings design and adaptation them to the needs of the group, methods and techniques of working with the group and creating flipcharts as materials helpful in conducting trainings.

Trainings were hold by 4 trainers: 
Agata Lech (Make your flipchart great again; How to tailor your training to the needs of the group), 
Łukasz Pawłyszyn from the Allegro group (Methods and techniques of working with a group),
Maja Dobosz (Panel for the exchange of experiences) and
Mateusz Panfiłowicz (Basics of designing and preparing training courses; Panel for the exchange of experiences)

for almost 30 participants from all over the Poland. The convention was organized by a five-member Organising Committee composed of: Maja Dobosz, Pola Plaskota, Małgorzata Zator, Karol Antoszewski and Mateusz Panfiłowicz. 
Both participants and trainers had a possibility to upgrade their skills, revise what they already knew and learn something more from others. We hope that this meeting was one out of many on the long but rewarding road of becoming the trainer. Hone your skills and pass it on so more and more people can develop themselves and teach others!